Training and consultation

Contact details:

Room number: 124

Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS)

University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh

Mobile number: +8801717084990

E-mail address:,


A. Training conducted as a resource person (Online):

1. Causes and Prevention of Contamination on Foods in Bangladesh, 6 September 2022, 22-CP-17-GE-TRC-A, Digital Multicounty Training Course on Food Safety Management Systems: Advanced 5–8 September 2022, Implementing Organizations: National Productivity Organization, Bangladesh and the APO Secretariat, Japan.
2. Community-based future approaches in Food Safety Management (FSM) system in Bangladesh, 7 September 2022, 22-CP-17-GE-TRC-A, Digital Multicounty Training Course on Food Safety Management Systems: Advanced 5–8 September 2022, Implementing Organizations: National Productivity Organization, Bangladesh and the APO Secretariat, Japan.
3. Online Training on Nutrition and Food Science for a Healthy Life for caregivers, Online group Sonjog,,,, 3 days training on 2, 9, and 16 October 2021.
4. Awareness Training on Nutrition and Food Safety, Project Implementation Unit (PIU)National Agricultural Technology Program – Phase II Project (NATP-2), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka – 1215, 11 August 2021.

B. Training conducted as a resource person (In-person):

1. Direct and Nutrition Sensitive Interventions Technical Training; Organized by Institute of Nutrition and Food Science, IPHN and UNICEF, Bangladesh; Sponsor by UNICEF Bangladesh;18-22 January 2014, Asia Pacific Hotel, Baridhara, Bangladesh.
2. Member Secretary, Training on “Food and Nutrition” for Bangladesh Army, 16 June to 31 July 2013.
3. Basic Training on Nutrition, Food, and IYCF, (2-5 October 2010) for the Staff of the Integrated Food and Nutrition Security Project (IFNSP) Project of Plan Bangladesh.
4. Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle” for Program Organizers, P.O. (Training) of BRAC, Bangladesh at TARC (Training and Research Center), Uttara, BRAC, Bangladesh. Day 1&2(14, 21 December,09): P.O. (MNCH-Maternal and Child Health). Day 3(22 December,09): P.O. (EHC-Essential Health Care).
5. Training on Family Nutrition and Role of animal protein in public health, BCS (Bangladesh Civil Services) Livestock Academy, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4 October 2022.




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