Mode of communicationCare

An active life is one of the critical factors for determining personal and group stress…

Healthy eating may be promoted by family meals and homemade foods. In addition, kids’ personal liking and disliking is influenced by the family environment. It directly or indirectly influences the development of test buds…

Kids are addicted to digital devices when served in a family environment due to multiple factors such as a lack of scope for physical activities like running, playing, etc. More involvement in family fun or activities produces less exposure to digital devices. Thus…

It crates less stressed environments for most of the family members…


*Codes are used to make a common list of references to be published in the future.

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By Md. Khurshidul Zahid, Ph.D.

Md. Khurshidul Zahid Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS) of The University of Dhaka (DU) of Bangladesh. He has completed his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from the Department of Nutritional Sciences at Texas Tech University (TTU), USA. He was a finalist in the Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Competition organized by the American Society of Nutrition (ASN), Experimental Biology (EB) meeting held in Boston in 2015. He was also awarded a gold medal by “Professor Dr. Quazi Salamatullah trust foundation” of INFS, DU in 2005.

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